Friday, December 9, 2016

How the Grand Canyon was Formed! Really?!
The TISA 5th graders have begun learning about landforms. This week our scientists investigated water flow over earth materials in a stream table. They observed the processes of erosion, deposition, and stream flow. These processes relate to the processes that created the Grand Canyon!Our 5th grade scientists use scientific thinking processes to conduct investigations and build explanations using: observing, communicating, comparing, organizing, and relating! Wow! that's alot of learning!

Carlitos using a overlay grid to draw the model of his map of the campus.

Amalea making a map from her overlay grid.

The class working on mapmaking using their overlay grids! 

Choosing colored pencils to emphasize objects on their maps. 

David : "what colors to use?"

Our models of the Bendix campus

More models

Amethyst observing the erosion process.

Here comes the water!

There goes the sand and clay!!

Thank you to Autumn for your amazing clay work class!

5th grade TISA students made ornaments with Autumn Medlock recently. We hope everyone enjoys them on their trees this year!

Roosters, Hands, Trees, Letters and all!

Stars, Bones and Trees!

Stars,Stars, and Stars!

And Everything else!

Friday, November 18, 2016

TISA 5TH shines in the light!

TWIRL brings light experiences to the TISA 5th grade!

5th graders experienced the properties of light using white surfaces and tri-colored flashlights. They were able to mix colors of light and experience the spectrum of light usually produced by the splitting of white light. They also used different materials to experience how certain colors of light are absorbed by a material and others are allowed to pass through. They learned that the color of an object depends on the color of light hitting it. Thank you Agnes Chavez for bringing these amazing activities to TISA!

TISA 5TH shines in the light!

TWIRL brings light experiences to the TISA 5th grade!

5th graders experienced the properties of light using white surfaces and tri-colored flashlights. They were able to mix colors of light and experience the spectrum of light usually produced by the splitting of white light. They also used different materials to experience how certain colors of light are absorbed by a material and others are allowed to pass through. They learned that the color of an object depends on the color of light hitting it. Thank you Agnes Chavez for bringing these amazing activities to TISA!

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Camping Extravaganza at the Sangre De Cristo Youth Camp

The 5th grade class was fortunate enough recently to camp on Lama Mountain at the Sangre de Cristo Youth Ranch. We cooked in the outdoor kitchen, slept in wood cabins, visited goats and horses, hiked the mountain and roasted marshmallows around the campfire! 

Amethyst, Tehya and Rochelle enjoy the horses.

Amethyst feeding the goats.

Ryan and Alex enjoy the goats.

Our amazing group of 5th grade adventurers!

Having a laugh!
Checking out a friendly snake!


Thursday, September 1, 2016

Welcome to The Life of Five!

This blog will be about Ms. Linda Seto's 5th grade class. There will be posts about what is happening in our class and special events. Hope you enjoy The Life of Five! :)